
Keisuke Kimura, Ryota Chitose, Koichi Yokosawa: Alpha-band amplitude during memory encoding is an index of memory performance. 生体医工学シンポジウム2015,2015年9月,岡山.


Kayo Mizobe, Koichi Yokosawa, Atsushi Shimojo, Michitaka Ozaki: Fasting modulates physio-psychological responses to emotional pictures: An analysis by MEG, VAS and biological markers (pulse and SpO2). 生体医工学シンポジウム2015,2015年9月,岡山.


Ryo Kikuchi, Yumie Ono, Koichi Yokosawa, and Atsushi Ishiyama: Detection of change in time-course of cortical connectivity during short-term memory test. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 37th Annual International Conference of IEEE, August, 2015, Milano, Italy.


Yuya Takeshita and Koichi Yokosawa: Acoustic pressure reduction at rhythm deviants causes magnetoencephalographic response. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 37th Annual International Conference of IEEE, August, 2015, Milano, Italy.


Roukang Han, Taiki Takahashi, Akane Miyazaki, Tomoka Kadoya, Shinya Kato, Koichi Yokosawa: Activity in the left auditory cortex is associated with individual impulsivity in time discounting. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 37th Annual International Conference of IEEE, August, 2015, Milano, Italy.


村上優衣,劉 青子,千年涼太,Elina Pihko,Riitta Hari,横澤宏一:τ波脳磁場は音の情動価を反映するか? 第1回作業療法神経科学研究会,2015年7月,札幌.


Akira Toyomura, Tetsunoshin Fujii, Koichi Yokosawa, Shinya Kuriki: Neural activity elicited by context-dependent speech dysfluency. 8th World Congress on Fluency Disorders, July, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.


Yui Murakami, Shinya Sakai, Quinzi Liu, Chitose Ryota, Elina Pihko, Riitta Hari, Koichi Yokosawa: Does the suppression of tau-rhythm reflect the emotional valence of sounds? The 2nd Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference, July, 2015, sapporo, Japan.


Keisuke Kimura, Ryota Chitose, Koichi Yokosawa: Serial position effects and alpha-rhythm modulation during sequential short-term memory encoding. The 2nd Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference, July, 2015, sapporo, Japan.


Yuya Takeshita, Jared franklin Boasen, Koichi Yokosawa: The effects of rhythm changes during music listening on neuromagnetic response. The 2nd Faculty of Health Sciences International Conference, July, 2015, sapporo, Japan.
